New housing figures reveal Labour’s poverty of ambition
Labour’s poverty of ambition is exacerbating Wales’ housing crisis, Peter Black AM has said today after new figures show that the number of homes started to be built has declined.
Figures published today show that during October to December 2015, a total of 1,680 new dwellings were started which is down by 2 per cent on the same quarter of 2014-15. The number of new dwellings completed annually increased over the last two years.
The Holman report into housing stated that if future demand for housing in Wales is to be met, there needs to be a “return to rates of housing building not seen for almost 20 years.”
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Peter Black, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Housing Minister, said:
“The Welsh Liberal Democrats believe that that every person should be able to provide a secure environment for their family. That is why we will double Labour’s unambitious house building target.
“The fact is that Labour’s poverty of ambition has exacerbated Wales’ housing crisis.
“People need a government with ambition, yet figures show that the number of homes started to be built has dropped. Whenever there has been an increase in homes built, it simply hasn’t been anywhere near enough to meet demand.
“Our vision for an Opportunity Economy means that everyone would have a roof over their head and through our 1st time buyer’s scheme, we would help people achieve their dream of owning their own home.”