UPDATE Tower Road to Welfare footpath
Hirwaun and Penderyn and Rhigos Matters
Following the last response we had on this issue, we sent the below questions. These have been responded by the Countryside & Rights of Ways Officer:
1. How many footpaths have been closed in Hirwaun due to the Heads of the Valleys project and how many more are expected to be closed?
Officer- “There are currently 4 temporary closure orders in operation affecting 6 linear routes:
Footpaths 1 Penywaun & 6 Hirwaun
Footpath 3 Hirwaun
Footpath 4 Hirwaun
Footpath 5 Hirwaun
Footpath 40 Hirwaun
Footpath 44 Hirwaun
Proposed closures:
Footpath 3 Hirwaun – amendment to alignment of temporary path
Footpath 23 Hirwaun / Cynon Trail – to construct the permanent approaches to the multi user bridge as per the Side Road Order.”
2. Was there a consultation with the community before taking away the official footpath, prior to this temporary footpath being created?
Officer- “As it was a Welsh Government decision they would need to advise on this matter. I will forward on this query for a response.”
3. Does the Council have land in the area which an alternative path could be created through?
Officer- “As far as I am aware, the only Council land nearby is the Recreation Ground. There may be potential for creating a link path on the southern side of the new road which crosses private land i.e. the Tower Colliery Site, however this alternative route would much longer and the only safe way to cross the new road and reach Hirwaun would be via a new roundabout. Also, the ground conditions/terrain would be less convenient.”
4. Was the notification of this closure put up with appropriate time before its closure date?
Officer- “Again, as it was a Welsh Government decision, they would need to advise on this matter. I will forward on this query for a response.”
5. We do not support this closure with no alternative to be put in place. Could this be shared with the Welsh Government please?
Officer- “Yes, certainly.”