
Senedd expansion is a costly waste of time

Senedd expansion is a costly waste of time

In recent years, the Welsh Labour government’s decision-making has come under scrutiny, with a series of choices that seemingly prioritize political expansion over the well-being of the people. From proposed increases in the number of Welsh Parliament members to questionable budget allocations, the actions of Welsh Labour raise concerns about the true priorities of those in power.

Expanding Parliament at What Cost?

Welsh Labour’s proposal to add 36 more members to the Welsh Parliament is not without consequences. The estimated cost of this expansion is a staggering £18 million, potentially reaching £19.5 million by 2030. This comes at a time when the existing budget of the Senedd already stands at £67 million. Critics argue that the focus should be on more pressing issues rather than increasing the political bureaucracy.

Prioritizing Politics over Healthcare:

With the Welsh NHS facing financial challenges, Welsh Labour’s call for budget cuts adds insult to injury. Despite claiming a lack of funds to adequately compensate doctors, nurses, and healthcare staff, the government managed to allocate £32 million for implementing a 20 MPH speed limit. This raises questions about the allocation of resources and whether the government’s priorities align with the needs of the people.

Cardiff Airport: A Bottomless Pit of Taxpayer Money:

Cardiff Airport, once a hopeful endeavor, has turned into what critics call a “black hole of taxpayers’ money.” Not only has it failed to meet the Welsh Government’s own targets for passenger numbers, but the substantial investment of public funds — a staggering £120 million — calls into question the decision-making process behind this venture. Could these resources have been better utilized to address more pressing needs, such as healthcare and education?


The pattern of decisions made by Welsh Labour reveals a concerning trend of political expansion at the expense of essential services. While the proposal for more politicians carries a hefty price tag, the need for increased investment in healthcare, education, and other critical areas remains unmet. As the people of Wales face the consequences of these decisions, it becomes clear that a reevaluation of priorities is essential for the well-being of the community. Simply adding more politicians won’t solve the pressing issues that demand immediate attention.

Commenting ahead of the stage 2 debate today on Senedd Reform, Darren Millar MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for the Constitution said:

“The Senedd Reform Bill is another pet project from Labour and Plaid Cymru that is wasting £120 million of taxpayers’ money on more politicians when what we really need are more doctors, nurses, dentists and teachers.

“Labour Welsh Government Ministers should be focused on tackling the real priorities of the people of Wales, not job creation schemes for politicians.

“The Welsh Conservatives have tabled dozens of amendments to this Bill, including a recall mechanism so that the public can sack MSs mid-term and trigger by-elections, flexible lists so that the public can vote for an individual candidate of their choice, and a requirement for a referendum before any reforms can be implemented.”

He added:

“The people of Wales deserve to have their say and we will continue to resist any legislation that will undermine our democracy.”

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