
Day-long ambulance wait in Labour-run Wales will 36 additional Senedd politicians cut waiting times?

Day-long ambulance wait in Labour-run Wales will 36 additional Senedd politicians cut waiting times?

Commenting on the news that a 91-year-old woman was left on the floor “like a piece of rubbish” during a nearly 24-hour ambulance wait, Russell George MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister said:

“After 91 years, Mrs Jones should not have suffered this humiliation and indignity. What happened to her is completely disgraceful, yet sadly epitomises the crisis at the heart of the Labour-run Welsh NHS.

“We know that you have less than a 50/50 chance of an ambulance arriving on time for the most serious life-threatening calls in Labour-run Wales, now we know that you could end up waiting a whole day.

“The Welsh Conservatives want to see a substantial workforce plan enacted and an end to the under-resourcing of our Welsh NHS. Labour must spend the full consequential uplift received for health on health. Scrap the vanity projects.”

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