
Labour’s education failure over 25 years

Labour’s education failure over 25 years

Wales’ performance has fallen to its lowest level ever in maths, reading and science tests taken by 15-year-olds.

Wales is at the bottom of the rankings for the whole of the UK in maths, reading, and science.

The latest global league tables show the performance of pupils in Wales has fallen significantly since the last Pisa tests in 2019 and continues to be below the OECD average.

For maths, Wales is down by 21 points for reading 18 and science 15. The OECD puts 20 points as equivalent to a year’s learning and 10 points as half a year.

The last PISA statement saw the Welsh Government set a target of reaching 500 points in every category in all three PISA measures for the next set of results. Falling even further behind this target highlights Labour’s performance on education in Wales.

Commenting on the PISA results, Welsh Conservative Shadow Education Minister, Laura Anne Jones MS said:

“The results today are not a shock when we have a Labour Government which has so little regard for our children’s future that they actually cut the education budget this year. All governments should be giving pupils and teachers the tools to do their best and thrive.

“After 25 years of Labour running Welsh schools, we have a widening attainment gap, funding being spent on the pet project of more politicians and sadly once again Wales languishing at the bottom of international league tables.

“The Labour Education Minister needs to get a grip of his department and give our young people the start in life they deserve. He can start by getting 5,000 more teachers back into our classrooms after years of declining numbers and the desperately needed money to support growing ALN numbers in mainstream education.”

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