
Welsh Labours failed tree campaign

Welsh Labours failed tree campaign

Try planting trees where Natural Resources Wales has had mass deforistation in the South Wales Valleys that contrabuted to the the reasent flooding.

My tree our forest campaign failure

The Labour Government’s My Tree Our Forest Campaign has failed to gather enough public support for members of the public to take up the offer of a tree. Out of 300,000 trees offered, just 80,000 trees have been planted by households. Despite only 8,000 trees set aside for public bodies and eco schools by the campaign, we’ve now seen that 220,000 have been planted by them.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Janet Finch-Saunders, MS said:

“For the Labour Government to struggle to place all 300,000 trees in their scheme is quite frankly embarrassing, but it’s not surprising as the Labour Government has failed repeatedly to meet their tree planting targets year on year.

Spend £2 million to persuade people to plant a tree WHY?

“Instead of spending £2 million to persuade people to plant a tree in their garden, the Labour Government should be working with farmers, landowners and others to encourage them to plant trees as boundary markers or expanding hedgerows.

“The Labour Government should also work further with local authorities to encourage more trees to be planted, which will help this scheme be a success in the future.”

Image Natural Resources Wales 
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