
The danger that Welsh labour will waste consequential funding from the UK Government

The danger that Welsh labour will waste consequential funding from the UK Government

Bringing 36 more politicians to the Welsh Parliament could cost as much as £17.8m extra a year, new figures suggest, but how will they fit them in that space?

Commenting on her exchange with the Deputy Minister this afternoon, Welsh Conservatives Shadow Transport Minister, Natasha Asghar MS said:

“This afternoon the Prime Minister has set out ambitious plans for the country to boost transport connections across the UK with £36 billion.

“As a direct result, Wales will get further funding through Barnett consequential from investment in local projects in England, as well as £1 billion to electrify the North Wales line.

“I sought reassurances from the Minister that any money received would be spent on improving transport infrastructure and not on Labour’s never-ending vanity projects such as £40 million on a disastrous blanket 20 mph rollout and £120 million on more politicians. Unfortunately, the Minister refused to commit to funding infrastructure which fills me with dread, as Labour will waste this money as they have done consistently over the past 25 years.”

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