
Council tax has increased by 79% in real terms on average since it was introduced 30 years ago, according to new figures.

Council tax has increased by 79% in real terms on average since it was introduced 30 years ago, according to new figures.

Have Council Services been cut by 79% to match?

The TaxPayers’ Alliance says a typical band D property occupier must now pay £2,065 compared to £568 in 1993-94.

Its research shows there have been 9,462 individual council tax increases, compared to only 404 freezes and 363 cuts, while 57% of authorities have never reduced the charge.

The Local Government Association (LGA) pointed out that

The Local Government Association (LGA) pointed out that Whitehall has relied on councils raising their own taxes to fund their spending on rising demand for services.

A spokesman for the LGA said: ‘In recent years, the Government has relied on council tax raising powers to increase councils’ core spending power.

‘Faced with the increased cost of providing local services and rising demand for support, councils have faced the tough choice about whether to increase bills to bring in desperately needed funding to protect services at the same time as being acutely aware of the significant burden that could place on some households.

‘While council tax is an important funding stream, it is not the solution to the long-term pressures facing councils.

‘Councils want to work with Government on a long-term funding plan which ensures they have adequate resources, certainty and freedoms to deliver local services.’

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