
Summary of a statement issued by IOPC on June 13

Summary of a statement issued by IOPC on June 13

On Monday, June 12, investigators from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) served gross misconduct notices on two South Wales Police officers as part of its investigation following the deaths of Kyrees Sullivan and Harvey Evans in Ely on May 22.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct 

As the IOPC says in its statement such notices advise officers their conduct is subject to investigation. They do not necessarily mean that any disciplinary proceedings will follow.

The force continues to fully co-operate with the IOPC investigation and is providing them with information and material, including CCTV footage and body-worn video.

We acknowledge the impact Kyrees Sullivan’s and Harvey Evans’ deaths have had on their families, friends and the wider community. Our thoughts and condolences continue to be with them.

Full IOPC statement here. 

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