Labour run RCT Council close most youth clubs down now looking for younger voters by providing mobile hubs think before you vote on 6 May

Labour run RCT Council close most youth clubs down now looking for younger voters by providing  mobile hubs think before you vote on 6 May

THE death knell has finally sounded for an award-winning Cynon Valley youth centre.

Chequers at Aberdare has closed its doors despite desperate attempts to secure funding.

In a statement, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council said:“ We can confirm that we have secured the lease of Chequers in order to ensure the premises continue to be available for use by young people in the Cynon Valley. Was that a lie?

The Council’s Youth Engagement and Participation Service (YEPS) will soon receive two new vehicles for use as ‘mobile hubs’ – to increase youth support within communities without venues to host local activities and sessions. 

The new hubs will be brought into use by the end of April 2021, and are aimed at increasing the Service’s ability to reach all areas of Rhondda Cynon Taf, filling in historical gaps within the provision. The heated vehicles will include seating areas, laptop connections, Wi-Fi capability and television screens.

The new provision will host activities such as general youth clubs, gaming sessions, arts and crafts, film nights and sports activities – as well as more targeted provision such as CV writing, job application support, interview techniques and youth worker one-to-one support in a confidential space.

The vehicles will also act as bases for YEPS during larger community events such as the annual Armed Forces Day and Big Welsh Bite. They will also be deployed when the Service requires an immediate response within a specific community – for example, to provide youth support following a major incident.

The hubs are COVID-secure and therefore suitable for use during the pandemic, as the internal doors can remain open to provide full ventilation.

Councillor Andrew Morgan, Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, said: “The Council’s Youth Engagement and Participation Service is an invaluable network for young people across Rhondda Cynon Taf and, throughout the pandemic, has provided increased support at a time when there is great uncertainty for our young people and when mental health and well-being needs have increased.  

“The new mobile hubs will be brought into use over the coming weeks and will further increase the Service’s capability to reach more young people. We’ve seen the effectiveness of the Council’s Mobile Library, which uses the same concept of bringing services to people’s doorsteps. The vehicles will provide a hub within those areas which don’t have suitable venues to host youth activities locally, and will benefit young people across several communities.”

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