A report on Hirwaun Primary School Glannant Street Hirwaun
About Hirwaun Primary School Hirwaun Primary School is in Rhondda Cynon Taff. There are 250 pupils on roll aged 3 to 11 years. Pupils are organised into nine classes, five of which are mixed age. Around 37% of pupils are eligible for free school meals. This is well above the national average of 19%. The school identifies around 25% of pupils with additional learning needs, including four pupils with a statement of special educational needs. This is slightly above the national average of 21%. There are a very few pupils looked after by the local authority. Nearly all pupils are of white British origin. A few pupils have English as an additional language. No pupils speak Welsh at home. The school’s last inspection was in September 2011. The headteacher took up her position in October 2009.
The full report on the link https://www.estyn.gov.wales/sites/default/files/documents/Hirwaun%20Primary%20School.pdf