A report on Caradog Primary School Clifton Street Aberdare CF44 7PB
Caradog Primary is in the town of Aberdare, in the Cynon Valley, Rhondda Cynon Taf. There are 221 pupils on roll, aged between 3 and 11 years including 30 full-time nursery pupils. They are taught in eight single-age classes. The school also provides for 12 pupils within a key stage 2 learning resource base for pupils with complex needs. Over the past three years, around 30% of pupils have been eligible for free school meals. This is above the all Wales average of 18%. Around 21% of pupils are on the special needs register, which is the same as the Wales average. A very few pupils have a statement of special education needs. Nearly all pupils in the school are white British. No pupils speak Welsh at home. A very few pupils have English as an additional language. Estyn last inspected the school in April 2014. The headteacher took up her post in September 2019. Further information is available from the Welsh Government My Local School website at the link below. http://mylocalschool.wales.gov.uk/Schools/SchoolSearch?lang=en
Full report on the link https://www.estyn.gov.wales/sites/www.estyn.gov.wales/files/documents/Caradog%20Primary%20School.pdf