Cwm Taf Health Board Statement on staff pay during adverse weather

Chief Executive of Cwm Taf University Health Board Allison Williams said: ‘We are very sympathetic to those who were unable to attend work during the severe weather and we know that so many staff used any means possible to get in or worked from different locations.

We are currently reviewing a number of staff queries about attendance but we have not refused to pay anyone. Our adverse weather policy is a longstanding one and is clear that if any staff who were unable to attend work or if their original place of work was not able to open they would have had several options open to them including getting to the nearest health board site to work; taking special leave; opting for annual leave or unpaid leave; shift swapping or working from home.

We are immensely grateful to all our staff for pulling out the stops during the severe weather and we are of course being flexible with every individual staff member who may not have been able to get to their usual place of work.

There is no reason for any staff member to lose a day’s pay – our adverse weather policy has a range of options offering flexibility and anyone with any concerns can contact our Assistant Director of HR if they would like to.’

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