Prince Charles Hospital receives Cuddle Cot in memory of Macs

Bereaved couple Kieve Lenihan and Geraint Harvard wanted to do something positive in memory of their baby boy Macs who was born in April 2017.

Now other parents who lose a child will be able to spend precious time making memories, thanks to the purchase of a special ‘Cuddle Cot’ for Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil.

The couple raised an amazing £6,000 in sponsorship when they ran the Cardiff 10k and Half Marathon last year.

Kieve and Geraint from Creigiau, officially donated the cot to the staff in the relative’s room at Prince Charles Hospital.

The couple wanted to thank the charity 2 Wish Upon A Star, who went out of their way to help them locate a hospital that was in need of a cot and set up a meeting with Izzy Watson, a consultant in the emergency department at Prince Charles hospital, to facilitate this.

Sadly, the cot has already been used by another bereaved couple soon after its arrival at the hospital.

Kieve said: “We were really only aiming to raise enough to buy a cot, which was around £2,000, but we raised so much more and we able to donate further to 2 wish upon a star and also another charity.”

Geraint said: “It is fantastic that parents will be able to take the cuddle cot home which is something I didn’t realise was an option.”

Kieve Lenihan and Geraint Harvard


The couple wanted to thank all the friends that took part in the runs and fund-raised with them as their support was immense and gave them huge comfort.

They also thanked all the people who donated and said that they were completely overwhelmed and thankful.

They thanked Dr Bryan Beattie, consultant obstetrician, who had helped to put them in touch with the charity and supported them through a very difficult time.

Consultant Esyld Watson said: “The cot will enable bereaved families to say their goodbyes to their child in what is the saddest of moments.

“This supports the grieving family and allows the staff of the emergency department to continue caring and supporting the family.”

Pictured top left to right: Esyld Watson, consultant in accident and emergency; Kieve Lenihan; Geraint Harvard: Ceri Thomas; and Becky Jones, 2Wish charity

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