
2018 Review Initial Proposals by the Boundary Commission for Wales

The Commission has published its initial proposals for public consultation.  The proposals take careful account of developments since the last general review, in particular the change to the legislation and application of the 2015 electoral statistics.  It is emphasised, however, that the proposals are provisional.  Most significantly, great importance is attached to the opportunity now given for all concerned to make representations to the Commission, whether in support of or objecting to the proposals.

There are two primary conditions that legislation has imposed upon the Commission we wish to draw your attention to: the number of constituencies allocated to Wales and a statutory electorate range.

Reduction in the number of constituencies

The UK electoral quota and reduction in the total number of UK constituencies from 650 to 600 will mean that the number of constituencies in Wales will be reduced from 40 to 29.  The result is a fundamental change to the existing pattern of constituencies in every part of Wales.

Statutory electorate range

The new rules mean that every constituency in Wales must have an electorate as at the review date that is no smaller than 71,031 and no larger than 78,507.

When making representations to the Commission, these statutory factors should be borne in mind.

The Commission has developed a consultation portal where you can view the proposals, download the Commission’s reports, maps and statistics and submit your comments about the proposals.

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