Bridgend boundary change update September 2018
Will patients from Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr be having appointments in the Bridgend area? Public transport is a joke a getting from Aberdare to Merthyr and Rhondda hospitals is bad enough but Bridgend. Bigger is not better public health is not a lottery Bridgend is about 35 miles from Aberdare and Merthyr.
Patients from Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr deserve an explanation, not another Labour cockup.
Cwm Taf University Health Board press release below.
What is changing?
In June 2018 the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services, Vaughan Gething, announced that from 1st April 2019, the responsibility for providing healthcare services for people in the Bridgend County Borough Council area will transfer from Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board to Cwm Taf University Health Board.
A Joint Transition Board made up of both health boards and Bridgend County Borough Council is overseeing the implementation of the boundary change and is meeting monthly, supported by a Transition Programme Group.
Both Health Boards and the local authority are working together to ensure that neither population nor organisation is disadvantaged by any operational or financial consequences of the changes.
Any changes to health structures can result in concerns being raised about the possible impact on services but these are administrative changes, and both health boards have provided an assurance that services will not be affected.
What is the latest?
Both organisations have worked closely together in recent months to identify all clinical services that fall within the scope of the transfer.
They have worked through every identified service, applying a set of key principles and have jointly agreed a proposal about the administration of these future services.
Following this process, in their August public Board meeting, both organisations approved the detailed list of the clinical services that will be included in the transfer.
Further work will be completed in the coming months to also confirm the relevant support services and the corporate services that will form part of the transfer from next April.
What does this mean?
The agreement means that work can progress with greater certainty to the next stage of the process. This will include a comprehensive staff consultation exercise which began on September 10th; the testing of financial implications and the development draft service level agreements.
The Directors of Workforce and Organisational Development have also jointly agreed with our trade union partners a workforce transfer process.
More information
Both health boards will continue to provide updates to staff and the public and at a range of meetings in the run-up to April 2019. We will also be arranging a joint meeting for stakeholders in Bridgend in November to outline the changes in more detail and enable people to have their questions answered.
You can also raise any questions you may have about the boundary change at:
Further information will also be made available on both Health Board website pages and