Labour to blame for Cardiff Bay Bubble, says North Wales AM

The Labour Government must take action to “burst the Cardiff Bay bubble” say the Welsh Conservatives.

The Shadow Minister for North Wales – Mark Isherwood – was speaking after the 20th Anniversary of the referendum on devolution, and his comments follow claims by a Labour MP that holding assembly meetings in North Wales would bridge the gap between North and South.

Welsh Conservative AM, Mark Isherwood, says that he is not opposed to regional meetings, but wants to see firm action from the Welsh Labour Government to burst a Cardiff Bay ‘Bubble’ which has emerged over 18 years, 19 weeks and 3 days of Labour rule.

He said:

“Devolution was supposed to bring decision-making closer to the people, but the gap between Anglesey and Cardiff is as big as ever.

“However, it’s not the AMs who have alienated communities in North Wales – it’s the Welsh Labour Government.

“Instead of focusing on superficial changes to way the institution operates, I would advise Mr Owen to lobby his Labour colleagues for action on the issues which affect North Wales residents.

“Weasel words will do little to burst the Cardiff Bay bubble. It’s time for action.”

On calls for Assembly meetings to be held in North Wales, Mr Isherwood said:

“I was opposed to the scrapping of regional committees and have regularly chaired cross-party meetings to fill the void they left.

“But what North Wales really needs is a seat at the cabinet table and a North Wales Minister could ensure that this part of Wales is firmly in the government’s thinking.”

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