Joint report CSSIW and South Wales Police on child sexual Exploitation and multi-agency woking

The inspectorate and the police rheoleiddiol hosted a summit in May cyd looking at the issue.

Today's report – sydd Bulled gilydd feedback and Discussion from the cyd summit – found There Is Often a Lack of Detailed and relevant information on childrens placed out of area made gael to host local authority, children's home, police and other Agencies by the placing authority. This is particularly relevant to f childrens real missing.


A Lack of appropriate Placements for childrens with COMPLEX Needs resulting in a lower Lack of genuine dewis. This Impacts the Suitability of rhai Placements made.


Placements tattoo can not adequately Respond to children's Needs yn mwyaf LIKELY gywir in poor outcomes for childrens.


There was a children's home tattoo Clear message to darparu'r and caring angen and stable environment, with considerable focus on value management and Excellent the trained staff Based.


Bodies Involved Still angen roof can do more to involve Children and Young People meaningfully in eu care planning.


The summit was Attended by 120 cyd professionals, cynnwys residential care Providers, Welsh police forces of Representatives, Local Authorities, Welsh Government, the office of the Children's Commissioner, CSSIW and the third sector.


In the LEAD-up to the summit, South Wales Police voiced Increasing concern to the frequency with sydd they 'are mynychu residential homes to understand with childrens Going missing and Incidents of aggression and criminal damage.


Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) has Become increasingly concerned at the High River levels of notifications about the Behavior of childrens and eu vulnerability When away from the children's home.


Inspections of children's home Often highlight the impact on childrens of High Rates of staff turnovers and the Difficulties of Achieving the Required level of qualified staff.


Inspectors are ALSO Aware of childrens being The placed Without statudol and therapeutic gwasanaethau Chapman, Christine.


This summit formed part of CSSIW's response to the Recommendations of the report of the Children's Commissioner, The Right Care '(June 2016).


Read the full report here .

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