Do you remember what the Labour Party controlled Rhondda Cynon Taf promised you back in the 2012

Do you all remember what the Labour Party controlled Rhondda Cynon Taf promised you back in the 2012 local elections?


Were the Labour Party lying to you the voter and council taxpayer just to get your vote?


You can make your mind up after looking below taken fro RCT Labour 2012 manifesto. 


Weekly Black Bag Collections

Unlike opposition controlled Councils, a Labour controlled RCT will commit to continue weekly black bag collections alongside its recycling measures.


Labour stopped Weekly Black Bag Collections and also placed a restriction on how may black bags you can now put out for fortnightly collection plus


“Collection staff will leave stickers on the additional black bags and repeat offenders will receive a £75 fine.”


Zero Charges for Bulky Collections

If re-elected Labour will continue its policy of maintaining zero charges for bulky collections. Was this Labour lie just to get your vote? 


RCT Labour introduced this, “Collection of up to 3 items will incur a non-refundable booking fee of £11.35.”


Fly tipping in RCT is at an all-time high and you the council taxpayer are footing the bill to clean it up.


RCT Labour said “No Cuts to Frontline Services”

“A Labour Council will commit to no cuts to frontline services, which local residents rely on.

Where service changes are needed a Labour Council commits to effective engagement with service users, including the third sector, in the design, delivery and improvement of these services.”


RCT Labour also said “A Labour Council will continue this strong track record for Council Tax payers so that the demand for improved services is balanced with affordable Council Tax levels.”


RCT Labour also said they would be “Transparency & Openness”

A Labour controlled Council would commit to streaming its meetings on the Council’s webpage. Labour Councillors would also commit to reintroduce the area planning committees vetoed by Lib Dem and Conservative Councillors in May 2011.


Since 2012 the Labour controlled council has removed many documents from its website restricted access to public information, AberdareOnline has had to inform the Information Commissioner on several occasions about RCTC not supplying information under the Freedom of Information Act.


You have to ask the question why is this Labour administration so secretive what are they hiding, we believe the council taxpaying public should be informed of what the council are doing at all times not just be spoon-fed bit of information as headline grabbers.


Can you believe RCT Labour has changed? Again you decide AberdareOnline asked the question on Twitter about the demolition of Blaengwawr Comprehensive School Rhondda Cynon Taf Council has released a statement below.

As the school is now being demolished we assumed after the council statement the school had been sold a reply from Rawlins the company who is selling the school for RCTC said,

Good morning

“Apologies for the delay in replying.

No the school has not been sold.”

Kind regards


So you the council taxpayer are again footing the bill for the cost of removing asbestos and demolishing the school.

So was the RCT Labour led council lying again when they said the developer would pay? You decide.

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