
A PACT meeting will be held at the Rock Inn Aberaman at 5 PM on Thursday 25 January

A PACT meeting will be held at the Rock Inn Aberaman at 5 PM on Thursday 25 January

A PACT meeting will be held at the Rock Inn Aberaman at 5 PM on Thursday 25 January for residents of Abercwmboi Aberaman and Cwmaman local councillors and local Police Officers will be there to report and listen to any complaints you may have.

The last 4 PACT meetings were all about off-road motorbikes

I am informed that the Public Right of Way from Aberaman to Cwmbach past the Wetlands is up for dissection footpath number 23 a Public Notice dated 31 October 2023 explains that the footpath will be closed from 1st November 2023 for 6 months.

Why is this Public Right of Way closed for so long why is the RCT Council and Members of the Cardiff Capital Region Transport Authority allowing this to happen?

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