
Labour’s bus service cuts punish hard-working people in Wales

Labour’s bus service cuts punish hard-working people in Wales

The funding gap remains a concern. Without further funding and/or increased passengers revenue, there will be a number of trade-offs that will require consideration. These include:

  • geographical coverage to serve key destinations including, schools,
    healthcare, employment and retail facilities;
  • hours of operation – bus service hours may be reduced;
  • frequency – service frequency will be reduced, undermining modal shift and
    net zero aspirations.

A full report from the Cardiff Capital regional transport Authority

15 JUNE 2023

Commenting on the news that First Cymru has confirmed several bus services are being withdrawn, whilst several others will no longer run as frequently, Welsh Conservatives Shadow Transport Minister, Natasha Asghar MS said:

“With the Labour Government in Wales cutting Bus funding, this was an inevitable and unfortunate consequence. Throw in Labour’s disastrous blanket 20 mph speed limits into the mix and bus services will be feeling further pressures.

“People rely on bus services for work, shopping and socialising, but Labour’s plans have effectively isolated people and cut off communities. As I have said previously, this ludicrous policy coupled with slashing bus budgets will put more hardship on people across Wales.

“This is all whilst bus fares in Wales have increased by 6.3%, but outside of London in England, they’ve gone down by 7.4%.”

Also commenting, Welsh Conservative Senedd Members for South Wales West, Tom Giffard MS and Dr Altaf Hussain MS said:

“With the Labour Government in Wales slashing funding for bus services, it is no surprise that the industry is having to adapt in order to remain financially viable.

“Unfortunately, this adaptation is resulting in a significant withdrawal of services. There will understandably be significant disappointment amongst residents across South Wales West.

“It’s now crucially important that the Labour Government takes swift action to ensure there is a suitable bus service provides for those who rely on it.”


Image creator: iantherev 

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