Labour’s bus service cuts punish hard-working people in Wales

The funding gap remains a concern. Without further funding and/or increased passengers revenue, there will be a number of trade-offs that will require consideration. These include: A full report from the Cardiff Capital regional transport Authority 15 JUNE 2023UPDATE ON WELSH GOVERNMENT BUS FUNDING AND NETWORKIMPLICATIONS FOR CARDIFF CAPITAL REGION REGIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY Commenting on…

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CTM first Health Board in the UK to be recycling non-hazardous plastic products with TerraCycle®

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTM UHB) are delighted to be the first Health Board in the UK to be recycling our non-hazardous plastic products/packaging with TerraCycle® via their Zero Waste Box™ solution’ and Roche Healthcare. The pilot which started in September aims to work with Roche and TerraCycle to identify a more sustainable…

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