In the Welsh Parliament this evening, the General Principles of the Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill was debated.
After voting against the general principles, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Janet Finch-Saunders MS said:
“Whilst the Welsh Conservatives support aspects of the Environment Bill and recognise the need for action and to move towards net-zero, we cannot support the bill as it stands.
We are fundamentally against charging road users, with road charging a fundamental aspect of this bill. People face enough road restrictions in Wales as it stands, we do not want to see any more introduced by the Labour Government, which will punish road users who are already on their knees.
“With the Labour Government’s impending £33 million 20mph blanket rollout which will cost up to £9 billion to the Welsh economy, along with a road building ban, the Welsh public cannot be expected to pay further charges due to Labour’s anti-road, anti-car and anti-worker agenda.”