
Labour needs to accept valid criticism

Labour needs to accept valid criticism

Commenting on the First Minister’s remarks that the competitive analysis of devolution is frustrating and we’re not in competition with England or Scotland, Welsh Conservative Leaders Andrew RT Davies MS said:

Labour’s appalling record

“We want a strong Wales as part of a strong United Kingdom. When we shine a light on Labour’s appalling record in Wales in comparison to England and Scotland it is to hold the First Minister and his failing Labour Government to account – not to boast about which country is best.

Labour ignores this criticism time and time again

“Labour ignores this criticism time and time again. They cannot accept valid arguments and it hurts the people of Wales in the long run. Labour need to put aside egos and pride to deliver what the people of Wales want, which is better healthcare, education and housing.

“The First Minister further uses the article to push the idea of more politicians in Wales, which will cost the Welsh taxpayer £100 million. Labour does not see the priorities of Wales as their priorities. They would rather have more lackeys in Cardiff Bay doing their bidding than doctors, nurses and teachers. “With

Labour, it is always self-interest above the interests of the Welsh people.“

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