
Traffic Management Information: Rocky Road, Galon Uchaf/Bryniau Bridge, Pontsarn Road. 

Traffic Management Information: Rocky Road, Galon Uchaf/Bryniau Bridge, Pontsarn Road. 

Over the weekend of Saturday 17/Sunday 18 June 2023:

  • Rocky Road will be reopened
  • Galon Uchaf/Bryniau bridge will be closed

The junction of Pontsarn Road onto Bryniau Road will also be opened.  
The work is being phased to:

  • Create the space needed for utility providers to relocate their services in the area.
  • Prepare the new road layout that will be in place after the demolition of Bryniau Bridge (later in 2023) and then the construction of the new Bryniau Bridge.

Please Note

  • A new temporary pedestrian crossing between Rocky Road and Pant Industrial Estate will be put in place across the A465 in due course, but until then pedestrian access will be maintained across Galon Uchaf/Bryniau bridge.
  • A short section to the west of Pant Industrial Estate Road will be closed, as shown in the temporary road layout map below.  Access to businesses will be maintained.
  • Part of the new link road for Pontsarn Road will also open over this weekend, with access to local businesses in the western section of Pant Industrial Estate using this temporary route.
  • These closures will remain in place until spring 2025, as shown in the illustration.
  • Emergency services and public transport operators have had advance notice of these works.  

We will keep you updated on progress, and also on the demolition of Bryniau Bridge when more detail is available. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this work may cause.

If you have any queries regarding these works, please contact our public liaison team by telephone 07762 451850 or email A465enquiries@futurevalleysconstruction.com.

You can also meet our team at our Visitor Centre, at Bucklands, Upper Vaynor Road, Cefn Coed, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 2HN. The centre is open Thursday afternoons from 1pm to 4.30pm, except for public holidays. 

You can also follow our social media channels and check out our website.  Click here for more information..

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