Refurbished facility unveiled in Cwmbran

Refurbished facility unveiled in Cwmbran

THE WELSH Ambulance Service has unveiled a newly refurbished facility for staff based in Cwmbran

Vantage Point House now boasts an upgraded reception and conference room with new technology, a brand-new IT suite, improved staff well-being and welfare areas and a newly refurbished integrated Clinical Contact Centre for Emergency Medical Services, Ambulance Care Services and NHS 111 Wales colleagues.

The refurbishment

The refurbishment and reconfiguration were accomplished over 17 months, with work being undertaken in a live control room environment.

The project aimed to provide consistent staff welfare provision and create extra capacity for NHS 111 Wales with the development of its service, as well as providing additional infrastructure resilience.

It concluded with a new state-of-the-art training area, improved administration accommodation, and brand-new shower and locker facilities.

Chris Turley, the Trust’s Executive Director of Finance

Chris Turley, the Trust’s Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Resources, said: “We wanted to create and update our existing facility to be fit-for-purpose, with an improvement to staff wellbeing resources at the heart of the project, along with the expansion to NHS 111 Wales facilities on the first floor, which included improvement to lighting and air conditioning, 64 rise and fall desks with acoustic backboards to reduce noise and a brand new occupational health suite for staff.

“As a result of Covid-19, the reconfiguration was more challenging than expected, and it took longer than anticipated.

“I want to thank all project team members for their commitment and support and those based at VPH for continuing to provide the best care possible to those living in Wales while refurbishment work was progressing.”

The Vantage Point House project was officially completed in March 2023.

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