Labour continues to drag out school uniform support

Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Education Minister, Laura Anne Jones MS said:
“This story seems to be stuck on repeat in the Welsh press, with no discernible action being taken by the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay. Cost-of-living concerns have exacerbated financial worries, but the problems and solutions remain the same.
“There are already viable alternatives available such as iron or sewn on labels which need to be promoted and available for parents, so parents have choice when it comes to school uniform.
“As I have said previously, the Welsh Government need to stop warm words and multiple consultations that kick the can down the road and deliver help to families, and support schools.”
School governing bodies should have regard to the affordability, access and availability of uniform items when setting their school uniform and appearance policy.
Governing bodies will give high priority to cost and affordability considerations. No
school uniform should be so expensive as to leave pupils or their families feeling unable to
apply for admission or to attend a particular school.
Section 3: Issues to consider in developing, adopting, changing
or evaluating school uniform and appearance policies
Cost of school uniform and affordability
4.5 Complaints or concerns about school uniform and appearance policies, including the
availability of the uniform or the cost of purchasing the uniform from a particular supplier,
should be raised with the school governing body and dealt with in accordance with the
governing body’s complaints procedure. All governing bodies are required by law to have a
procedure in place for dealing with complaints from parents, pupils, members of staff,
governors, members of the local community and others in relation to matters for which the
governing body has statutory responsibility. The Welsh Government has produced guidance
on complaints procedures for school governing bodies: this link is not working
The process for raising complaints regarding school uniform or appearance policies should
be publicised, for example, on the school website or in targeted communication with parents
on school uniform and appearance policies.
Non-compliance with school uniform and