Less than half of at-risk eye patients being seen within the target
Commenting on the news that, in Wales, less than half of patients at risk of irreversible eye harm are being seen within target, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, Russell George MS said:
“This is another clear example of Labour’s failure to bear down on Wales’ excessive waiting lists, risking serious harm to patients.
“Over half of patients aren’t being seen within target and the situation has worsened compared with the same time last year. The Labour Government needs to stop ignoring best practices elsewhere in the UK where waiting lists across the board are shorter.
“The Labour Government would do well to roll out our action plans whether that be opening surgical hubs, care hotels, or in this case, expanding the role of opticians in the delivery of community based eyecare.”
Health Risk Factor
· Those classed as Health Risk Factor R1 are defined as being at risk of irreversible harm or significant patient adverse outcome if the target date is missed. This even excludes those who did not have a target date allocated.
· At the end of February 2022, only 49.3% of patient pathways, assessed as R1, were waiting within their target date or within 25% beyond their target date.
· At the end of February 2023, only 48.6% of patient pathways, assessed as R1, were waiting within their target date or within 25% beyond their target date.
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