Paws for thought… Some tips on how to keep you, your dog and your visitors safe

Paws for thought… Some tips on how to keep you, your dog and your visitors safe

1. Never leave young children unsupervised with a dog regardless of its size, breed, or temperament. Any dog can behave in an unpredictable manner and the risk is not worth the potential consequences.

2. Make sure your dog has somewhere safe and comfortable to go to when you have visitors, as these events can overwhelm them. If you’re expecting the post or deliveries, make sure your dog is out of the way and secure elsewhere in the house or secure in your garden. Many dog attacks happen when you open the door to sign for parcels. Before answering, put your dog in another room and teach children to do the same, especially when they’re at home during the school holidays.

3. Consider installing a letterbox cage if your dog has a tendency to attack your mail. If it is not practical to secure your dog during the day, consider installing an external mailbox on the edge of your property.

4. Everyone should ensure their dog is microchipped and that the details on the microchip are up to date. Your dog must also wear a collar and tag with the name and address (including postcode) of the owner engraved or written on it. The maximum fine for failure to comply is £5,000.

If you’re worried about your dog’s health or behaviour, contact your local vet for advice and support. If you have concerns about a dog’s behaviour that is not yours, contact police or report anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

More information: Animal crime

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