
Another election year and RCT Council only increasing Council Tax by1% Why dont they have an election every year?

Does the council think the people are that gullible? They must do because they keep voting Labour for higher council taxes and cuts in public services. 

2022 RCTC Local Government election and the Labour-run council only put 1% council tax rise and the freezing of some fees and charges in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been approved. The budget proposals for 2022-23? Well, what did you expect there is an election due in May.

 January 2021 WalesOnline reported RCT Council reveals its budget plans for next year with a 2.65% council tax rise planned.

 RCT Council tax 2019 is between 3% and 3.5%.

 In February 2018 Pauline Jarman, who is the leader of the opposition, said: Out of the 22 local authorities in Wales RCT is the fourth most expensive – more so than Cardiff.  2018 RCTC residents were hit with a council tax increase of 3.3%.

 The local elections were in 2017 that’s why we had a smaller increase but it always goes up and never stays the same as the previous year. In February 2016 RCT failed to give a figure, just saying there will be a small increase. Yet a report to Cabinet next week suggests an increase of 2.75%. Council elections keep council tax rises low, but not for long.

Wales Online report March 2015 RCT council sets the budget for 2015-16, which includes a council tax rise of 3.8%

 March 2014 RCT council approves 4.5% council tax hike

 Labour Controlled RCT Council put up your Council Tax every year and cut services, but you still keep voting Labour, But the £2 Million footbridge in Ponty was a must-have for the council even though there is another footbridge just a few meters away. It's only public money anyway, so who cares just add another 1% on your council tax. 

How good was your councillor over the last few years are you going to vote for him or her again?


Just how long has your councillor been representing you? Do you think you need a change?




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