Labour to add 2.75% to RCT Council Tax Bill this year.
RCT's Labour Cabinet meet next week to discuss the Council's budget for the coming year.
The report from the Finance Officer recommends a Council Tax increase of 2.75% for April. Whilst this is lower than we have seen in a number of recent years it will still be met with disappointment by residents who have seen endless streams of cuts and loss of services.
Council Tax brings in a relatively small proportion of the Authority's overall income. a 1% increase generates a net additional income of £724k. The vast majority of the budget comes from Welsh Government.
Those who live in areas where there are community or town councils will potentially have an increase in their precept on top and there will be the Police precept to take into account so the total will be greater than 2.75%.
The Council has seen a reduction in the money it gets from Welsh Government, although not as much as they originally though it would be. It has had to make savings. Some may argue, however, that they are still making some of those in the wrong place. There is also the question of the amount of money they are borrowing. £40 million for through schools in the Rhondda that nobody but the Cabinet and Education Director wants for instance.