Has the Town of Aberdare been passed by? You keep voting for the same no one else to blame

Has the Town of Aberdare been passed by? You keep voting for the same no one else to blame

The once-thriving town centre in Aberdare that feels the world is passing it by

So says an article in Wales online.


Basically the same stores AberdareOnline has been saying for years any major investment in the town comes from the Welsh Government or the council, therefore you get what you vote for in the elections. Cynon Valley is a safe Labour seat not a bit of opposition, therefore the labour party can do as they please and spend as little or as much as they think fit.  They get away with it because nobody is really bothered people moan a bit, but do very little or nothing to change it and the majority who are interested have little time because of work commitments or to busy with the kids. 


All the big money has gone and is going to Pontypridd and the plan is to spend millions more in Pontypridd on what the council is calling the Southern Gateway, don’t know if any of you have read RCTC investment in priority areas as part of Capital Programme? Not the bumph put out by the council on social media, take a look at the reports presented at the council meetings then you will get a better idea of what’s happening with your money.


10 years ago the council spent money on a regeneration program in Aberdare town, but they did not regenerate the entire town unlike Pontypridd, Market Street and Cardiff Street to name but two.

Aberdare was promised a new Health Centre years ago, but that never materialized, in answer to one of the questions put to Primary Care at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, the Health Board response was “Plans for a new site were not supported by Welsh Assembly Government at the time.” So the Labour Party who are the Welsh Government would not support a new Health Centre for Aberdare, just overhauled the old one and (With no influence from a Mountain Ash local councillor) a new Health Centre was built in Mountain Ash. Has anyone been on Our Cwm Taf a collaboration of local government bodies? 


Another RCTC project in Aberdare that has caught the attention on social media is the new footbridge over the River Cynon and moving the pedestrian crossing again, the contract supposedly costing the taxpayer £1.500 million. The expensive footbridge replaced an original footbridge removed by the council a few years ago when the Aberdare Bypass was constructed, that bridge at the time was replaced with the footbridge over the bypass. Not difficult to see just how much public money is being wasted when the expensive consultants employed by the council get it wrong and taxpayers foot the bill for their expensive mistakes?


It was interesting reading postings on FB, Judith Toms who used to be the Hon Sec of the Aberdare Chamber of Trade & Commerce and Hon Sec Wales Action for Sensible Planning. Planters around the town have been vandalised you cannot account for the yobbish conduct but is this a lack of policing the town? Aberdare used to have a Police Station open to the public but again that service was cut now there are police within the retained station but not for public use. But Pontypridd have kept the station open to the public and we are informed if you need to go to a Police Station go to Pontypridd or Merthyr that progress?  

Town Centre improvement through Our Bid flower planters has been arranged around the Town? I do believe it will take a lot more than a few planters to boost trade back to the town. There are so many empty properties and some quite large question is who will want to open a store when the town looks so rundown? People complain there are too many takeaways, card shops and hairdressers? Take them away there would be more empty shops. Is the council helping they have approved all planning applications, why are the council still charging for parking in Aberdare? That’s not helping people to shop local. But some people have been saying this for years; take a look at the letters from 10 years ago. But the council take little notice, so any surprise when you see a headline “The once-thriving town centre in Aberdare that feels the world is passing it by” Aberdare has been passed by with the funding going to Pontypridd, and the expansion of out of town shopping 20 minutes away in Merthyr. Take a look at the posting 10 years ago its a bit like deja vu, the feeling that you've been here and seen all this before.


Taken from Old Aberdare FB. 

 Judith Toms, FACTS. Aberdare has suffered like other towns because of online shopping, IN 2021 OVER 29% OF TRADE IN THE UK WAS DONE ON LINE ACCOUNTING FOR £120 BILLION taken from the total available money spent, Aberdare suffers more than most from supermarket competition with a supermarket shop on every approach road. RCT have eight Town Centres to look after whereas Merthyr can target their only Town However Aberdare has just been given finance for the Town Centre improvement through Our Bid and flower planters have been ranged round the Town which will be refreshed each season for the ongoing future, and there are other ideas under discussion. Also the investment in St Elvan`s Church has really paid off with daytime concerts, wellbeing through music, an art gallery which has put on excellent art exhibitions, hosting writing groups etc ..the Textile Exhibition on at present is particularly good…they also have a Spires Cafe serving Bradleys Coffee range and tea with a good range of cakes and hope to expand the restaurant facility rather like Brecon. Aberdare Market has a host of interesting stalls with unique gifts to be found at The Wool Stall and the Antiques Stall as well as a butcher, Deli two excellent veg and fruit stalls, cards, shoes, children`s wear carpets, handbags, bakery and very friendly staff. Town Centres thrive when people support them.


Tomorrow's Western Mail front page: Nearly a third of Wales' shops 'at risk of closure by 2018' posted on AberdareOnline on the 14th November 2012

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