
Support for businesses affected by flood in Rhondda Cynon Taf

Businesses flooded in Rhondda Cynon Taf will receive further support from the Council, through immediate relief from payment of business rates (Non domestic rates) for a period of three months. 

This support is in addition to the £1,000 payment provided by the Council to small and medium size businesses that were flooded in the February storms.

The initial estimate cost of this discretionary relief, being provided by the Council, is between £1.000M and £1.250M. 

County Borough Councillor Andrew Morgan, Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council said: “This support seeks to further recognise the significant impact recent flooding has had upon local businesses, in particular in the town centre of Pontypridd and also across Treforest Industrial Estate.

“This further proactive action by the Council seeks to support businesses in their recovery efforts, to ensure as far as practicably possible we do all we can to limit the economic impact of these devastating floods upon local communities.

“The exceptional nature of these circumstances means that it is right and proper for us to utilise this discretionary ability, and in doing so meet the cost of this three-month relief from business rates for businesses, in addition to any exemption which may be granted to a property unoccupied following flooding.

“Council Officers continue to engage with businesses affected, providing support, advice and assistance during this challenging time.”

The Storm Dennis Discretionary NDR Relief does not affect the eligibility of any business from applying for any relevant statutory exemption for NDR purposes, for example if the business premises has become vacant as result of recent flooding.

On March 3, 2020, Welsh Government confirmed that they will support local authorities in meeting the eligible costs of discretionary rates relief through the Emergency Financial Assistance Scheme (EFAS). This Council has already provided formal notice to Welsh Government of its request to activate the scheme.

The decision to provide this support was taken as urgent decision by the Leader of the Council.

Posted on Wednesday 4th March 2020
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