Police Recorded Road Casualties, Wales, 2018

The Welsh Government has published Police Recorded Road Casualties, Wales, 2018, which includes information on severity of injury and type of road user.

Key points

  • In 2018 police forces in Wales recorded 4,215 road accidents involving personal injury, 333 fewer (7.3% lower) than in 2017.
  • These recorded accidents resulted in 5,759 casualties, 435 fewer than in 2017
  • There has been a long-term fall in personal injury road accidents recorded by police forces in Wales.
  • In recent years the number of accidents resulting in serious injury or fatalities has been relatively stable, with the overall decline in accidents accounted for by a continued fall in ‘slight’ injury accidents.

 Within the 5,759 casualties:

  • 103 people were killed, 2 more (2.0% higher) than in 2017
  • 1,028 people were seriously injured, 69 higher (7.2% more) than in 2017.
  • 4,628 people were slightly injured, 506 fewer (19.4% fewer) than 2017.

The Welsh Government has set three targets to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads by 2020, when compared with the average for 2004-08.

Current (2018) progress towards the 2020 targets

People killed or seriously injured: Target 40% reduction 
For all KSIs the level in 2018 was nearly half way towards the target reduction (at 19.6%)

Young people (16 – 24) killed or seriously injured: Target 40% reduction 
For young people, the target level was reached in 2017, and following a further reduction in 2018, the number was 44.7 per cent lower than the 2004-08 average.

Motorcyclists killed or seriously injured: Target 25% reduction 
Relatively little progress has been made towards the motorcyclists target. In 2018 the number of motorcyclists KSI was 6.6% lower than the 2004-08 average.

Police Recorded Road Casualties, Wales, 2018; can be found in full here

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