Pedestrian Casualties 2016

The Welsh Government has issued an annual report which includes information on age and sex of casualty, type of road, speed limit, the location of a pedestrian when hit, type of vehicle involved and time of the accident.

Casualties by type of road user and severity, 2016. 1,108 KSI in 2016, of which: 45% cars; 23% motorbikes; 18% pedestrians; 10% pedal cyclists; 4% other. 5,745 slight in 2016, of which; 72% cars; 7% motorbikes; 10% pedestrians; 6% pedal cyclists; 5% other.

Key Points

All Pedestrian Casualties

  • In 2016, 199 people were killed or seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads. Of these, 14 were fatal and 185 were seriously injured. 594 pedestrian casualties were slightly injured.
  • In 2016, there were 793 pedestrian casualties which were the lowest recorded figure since 1979.
  • When compared to 2015, there were decreases in the casualties killed (36 percent), casualties seriously injured (1 percent) and slightly injured (7 percent) in 2016.
  • In 2016, pedestrians accounted for around 1 in 6 of all KSI casualties (18 percent) and 1 in 10 (10 percent) of all slight casualties.

Child (aged 0 – 15) Pedestrian Casualties

  •  There were no pedestrian fatalities in 2016, down from 2 in 2015.
  • There were 55 child KSI pedestrian casualties in 2016. This is a 25 percent increase when compared to the 2015 figures.
  • They account for 30 percent of all pedestrian casualties.
  • They are associated with journeys to and from school with numbers of casualties peaking at 8am and 3pm during the week.

Downloadable Resources

Details: Pedestrian Road Casualties 2016

Datasets: Casualties
StatsWales website   

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