
Pontypridd schools next to have sixth form stripped away.

In July last year the Labour Cabinet in RCT announced plans to apply for funding to create two more "through schools" for 3 to 16 year olds. They refused to say which schools – obviously they wouldn't want parents to know what they planned would they – but this coming week the proposals go to Cabinet for approval.

Our prediction back then was only fifty percent right in that Bryncelynnog is actually going to retain its sixth form and Pontypridd High will be the one that will lose out along with Hawthorn.

This move follows the introduction – despite huge opposition from parents, pupils and educationalists – of 3 to 16 schools in the Rhondda. We argued then that there is no evidence that these schools are of benefit and that there are substantial disadvantages in taking sixth forms away from secondary schools. Not to mention the mixing of nursery school pupils with much older pupils. The Cabinet did not want to listen to any argument that went against their viewpoint.

They are now going to undertake a consultation – just as they did in the Rhondda. And we have no doubt at all that, just as they did there, they will ignore everything anyone says that does not fit with the plans they have.

Further details of the proposals can be found here.

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