Provision of services GP practices secured Hillcrest Surgery in Mountain Ash will be merging with Rhos House Surgery and Brookside Surgery in Merthyr Tydfil

The future provision of high quality services for patients at two GP practices has been secured following a decision by Cwm Taf University Health Board to return the surgeries to independent contractors.

The Health Board can announce that, from October 2018, Hillcrest Surgery in Mountain Ash will be merging with Rhos House Surgery and Brookside Surgery in Merthyr Tydfil will be merging with Morlais Medical Practice.


There is no intention to close any practices and patients will be able to attend whichever of the premises is most convenient to them. Care will be offered between 8am and 6.30pm from Monday to Friday (excluding public and bank holidays).


The decision was made following a strong application process which included an interview with an evaluation panel of a range of representatives and a scoring system which took into account a number of factors, including the views of patients.


The Health Board has run the practices for some time, but believes these changes will not only secure future care but also allow patients to access a better variety of services from a wider range of health professionals.


Alan Lawrie, Director of Primary, Community and Mental Health, said: “We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the tender process and that Hillcrest and Brookside surgeries will be handed back to independent contractors.


“Cwm Taf University Health Board has run the practices for a number of years and we have made many changes which we believe have greatly improved the care and treatment for patients.  However, after careful consideration, we now feel the decision to merge is in the best interests of the community when it comes to the long-term future of the practices and bringing added value to the range and quality of services provided. 


“I would like to reassure people that we have no intention of closing practices. A key part of the application process was hearing the applicants’ vision for the delivery of services for patients and we are excited about the future for these surgeries. The new contract holders will be working with both patients and the Health Board in the coming months for a successful transition.”

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