
Friday 4th May there is a fund-raising event taking place at Brownie’s Bar in Abercynon to raise money for the children’s paddling pool

 The reason for my writing to you is that tomorrow evening (Friday 4th May), there is a fund-raising event taking place at Brownie’s Bar in Abercynon to raise money for the children’s paddling pool that opens each summer in Abercynon – i.e. as above the War Memorial Paddling Pool.


Our sister company Milk4Life Ltd., is sponsoring this pool to the value of £500 and did the same last year.  Our Office Manager from Milk4Life (offices at Navigation Park, Abercynon) will be there to present a dummy large cheque and of course also the real one for £500 to the committee for the pool so it would be extremely appreciated if someone from your paper could be there to take a photograph and report on this event and also for the sponsorship offered.  Milk4Life is a company that works with local farmers, processors and distributors to deliver milk to local schools, unfortunately, we do not have any business currently in that area but we are passionate about children having milk and supporting the British dairy farmers.  This sponsorship towards the upkeep of the pool fits in nicely with our mission to support children.


I would be grateful if someone could reply to me please to advise if they can help or not.  I am happy to have an advertorial if necessary i.e. and pay a small amount of advertising if we can get this event covered on behalf of Milk4Life.


Many thanks.


Kind regards


Barbara Griffiths CIM Dip.M

DairyLink UK Ltd. / Milk4Life Ltd.

www.dairylink-uk.com / www.milk4life.com

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