Pedestrian Casualties 2016

The Welsh Government has issued an annual report which includes information on age and sex of casualty, type of road, speed limit, the location of a pedestrian when hit, type of vehicle involved and time of the accident. Casualties by type of road user and severity, 2016. 1,108 KSI in 2016, of which: 45% cars;…

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Unlawful imprisonment for council tax non-payment “one of the largest mass miscarriages of justice in British history”

The unlawful imprisonment of people for council tax non-payment “is likely to be one of the largest mass miscarriages of justice in British history”, the chair of the Criminal Bar Association, Angela Rafferty QC, and 57 other signatories of a letter to The Guardian have claimed. The letter, which can be viewed here, follows a ruling by judges in…

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