Future of Thoracics surgery in South Wales

In recent months the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) has worked with a range of individuals and organisations, including Health Boards, to review the provision of thoracic surgery in South Wales.

As part of this process, an independent panel also reviewed the evidence and made a recommendation on how best to ensure these specialist services would be sustainable for the future and provide patients with the best possible care.

Yesterday, the Joint Committee of the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) – which is made up of the chief executives of all Health Boards – accepted the recommendations of the Independent Panel that services should be provided from a single site rather the current two sites in Cardiff and Swansea, and that the new single unit should be based at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.

Further work and engagement will now be carried out on the implementation of such a change with all key partners and stakeholders including Health Boards and local Community Health Councils.

Dr Sian Lewis, Managing Director of Welsh Health Specialised Service said:

“We believe that this is a unique opportunity to improve the quality of care for thoracic patients in South Wales and would like to thank all those who took part in the engagement exercise which has informed each step of this process, including the CHCs, patients, public and staff.”

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