Joint rail operation to safeguard children and adults from County Lines Exploitation in South Wales

Joint rail operation to safeguard children and adults from County Lines Exploitation in South Wales

The joint operation between British Transport Police, Gwent Police and South Wales Police saw the introduction of a wellbeing support hub working with local partners to safeguard those found to be caught up in County Lines on the rail network.

The two-day operation (24-25 April) saw officers deployed at stations including Cardiff Central, Newport, Swansea and Bridgend and on services across the rail network.

Targeting the train lines across South Wales the forces worked together with  the aim to identify, intercept and protect those involved, or most at risk, of county lines exploitation.

Social workers and youth workers from Cardiff City Council, Newport City Council, Bridgend County Borough Council and Swansea Council Mental Health service with Wales NHS, Community Drug and Alcohol support service BAROD from CAVDAS are on site to provide help, protection and treatment for those who come to attention, making the ‘reachable moment’ a reality.

This support network was key for the 15 drug and alcohol referrals that were made and able to handled on the same day.

During the operation officers made 90 stop and searches with six arrests, including a 22-year-old man from London who was found in possession of 1.5kg of cannabis and a 17-year-old boy from Cardiff who was in possession of a knife.

As well as the positive arrests, three weapons were recovered, three kilos of pills and nearly £10 thousand pounds in cash.

The police forces worked together and deployed specialist resources, such as drugs dogs, metal arches and covert and overt tactics to intercept weapons, drugs and illicit cash, and identify vulnerable individuals exploited by county lines gangs.

Detective Superintendent Gareth Williams County Lines Taskforce lead said:

“The results from this operation are testament to the effective joint working between us, our policing colleagues and partners. The arrests and seizures made should act as a stark warning to county lines offenders – you will be caught and be put before the courts.

“A key priority of ours is to identify and safeguard those exploited in this crime type to courier drugs via the railway, alongside intercepting the harmful drugs before they reach our communities.

“We’re wholeheartedly dedicated to ensuring the rail network is a hostile environment for drug suppliers to move their commodities.”

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Preston from Gwent Police said:

“Our work this week, alongside our partners, demonstrates some of the many ways we’re tackling county lines and its other associated forms of criminal activity.

“We’re dedicated to protecting those at risk from exploitation and bringing those responsible to justice.

“If you have any information about drug dealing in your community, please report it to us so we can take action.”

Detective Superintendent Mark Lewis of South Wales Police said:

“It is absolutely vital that we work with our partners to tackle the issue of County Lines as those involved exploit vulnerable people, including children and those with mental health or addiction issues, by recruiting them to distribute drugs.

“We are committed to combatting drug dealing and County Lines criminality and as ever we encourage residents whose communities are blighted by the illegal drugs activities to continue reporting their concerns and suspicions to us and we will be relentless in targeting those involved in the supply of drugs.”

You can report any concerns to BTP by texting 61016, calling 0800 40 50 40 or by downloading the Railway Guardian App.

You can also pass information via Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or via their online form.

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