A Major Trauma Network for South and West Wales and South Powys
A public consultation on proposals to develop a major trauma network for South Wales (which includes South and West Wales and South Powys) is now underway.
Major trauma refers to that very small number of people each year who suffer very serious and usually life-threatening injury. Injuries can include serious head injuries, multiple injuries caused by road traffic accidents, industrial accidents, falls, mass casualty events and knife and gun shot wounds. Whilst numbers of people suffering major trauma in the region are small, there is a significant body of evidence that treatment of such injuries within a Major Trauma system both improves outcomes and saves lives.
South Wales is the only region in England and Wales which does not have a Major Trauma Network. Patients from North Wales are linked into the network just across the border into England.
Currently patients within Cwm Taf who suffer a major trauma may be taken by WAST to their nearest A&E and may then be transferred for specialist treatment to either UHW, Cardiff or Morriston Hospital, Swansea or even taken directly to one of those two hospitals depending upon the nature and extent of their injuries.
As part of the consultation period members of the public in the region are invited to submit their comments and opinions on the proposals. Further information on the proposals can be found in the documents below or by using the following link where you can access information in a range of different formats, for example video, audio, and BSL. We will also be holding a number of public meetings where you can find out more. Within the Cwm Taf area these are as follows:
9.30am, 15th November 2017
Ystrad Sports Centre, Ystrad
Cynon Valley Public Forum
9.30am, 22nd November 2017
Michael Sobell Sports Centre, Aberdare
1pm, 27th November 2017
Muni Arts Centre, Pontypridd
Merthyr Tydfil Public Forum
2pm, 29th November 2017
Canolfan Soar, Merthyr Tydfil
Public meetings will also be held in other Health Board areas. Details of these meetings can be found here should you wish to attend.
The consultation period will run for twelve weeks, until 9am 5th February 2017.
If you would like to respond to the consultation the consultation you can do so by:
- Completing the online questionnaire which can be accessed using the following link: www.publichealthwales.org/majortraumaconsultation OR
- Downloading the consultation response form and once completed emailing to mailto:NHSWHC.strategicplanning@wales.nhs.uk or returning to the following address: FREEPOST to Freepost MAJOR TRAUMA CONSULTATION. (This address must be written exactly like this including capital letters).
Alternatively if you would like to request a hard copy of the consultation response form please contact the Health Board on 01443 744800.