
Royal Glamorgan Hospital A&E department introduces a Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) system

In response to the pressures facing staff in the Emergency Department as a result of COVID-19, a team at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital has been working to introduce Trauma Risk Management (TRiM), a trauma focused peer support system.

Originating in the UK Armed Forces, TRiM is designed to help people who have experienced a traumatic or potentially traumatic event.

A & E Department Manager Sarah Fogarasy worked with Dr Clare Wright, CTM’s Strategic Lead for Wellbeing to introduce the system.

Sarah explained, “Members of our staff at all levels have attended training based on the army model, which uses peer support following a critical incident to identify persons who may have ongoing problems with mental health following exposure to such an event. In A & E for example this maybe after witnessing a paediatric arrest or a car accident with multiple fatalities.

“The aim is to have a conversation in confidence within five to seven days of an event happening, then at one month and then three months and to sign post a member of staff for support as appropriate. In my previous experience in another role we helped at least three members of staff developing acute psychiatric illness and PTSD. We understand that we are not counsellors but we have a toolkit to help us identify problems that may become long term.

The introduction of TRiM has been supported by Senior Nurse Gayle Williams and Head of Nursing Deb Mathews and will be run as a pilot with the intention to extend to the other Emergency Departments in CTM UHB.

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