Track The Act (Year 1) Report Released

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act has now been law in Wales since the 6th April 2016.
This Act aims to transform the way that social services are delivered in Wales and contains important new legal rights for carers.
Carers Wales has, for the last year been gathering evidence through the Track the Act survey to see whether these new legal rights are a reality. We have been gathering evidence from carers across Wales about how local councils have delivered on communicating these important new rights through their duty to provide information, advice and assistance services and also whether they are delivering on their legal duty to offer carers a needs assessment as soon as it appears to the local council that carers may have a need for support.
As part of this information gathering process, we also submitted Freedom of Information requests to all 22 local councils across Wales.
The results of the survey and responses to the Freedom of Information requests have enabled us to publish the second in our briefing on the monitoring of the Act’s implementation.
We are also publishing the responses we have received from the 17 local councils who responded to our Freedom of Information requests. 7 local councils did not provide any, or significant amounts of data.
We will continue to work closely with both Welsh Government and local councils and at the end the briefing we have made a number of recommendations that should be actioned as a matter of urgency.