Equalities and Human Rights when leaving the European Union
The Equalities and Human Rights Coalition (EHRCo) has prepared a paper focusing on the implications of leaving the European Union for equalities and human rights in Wales.
The paper expresses concerns that leaving the European Union will weaken human rights protection in Wales, continue to foster misportrayals of the effects of immigration in Wales, and exacerbates issues of harassment, racism and intolerance, among other things.
A number of recommendations are also made in the paper. It suggests that decision makers investigate making the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights part of Welsh legislation, strengthen Wales’ relationship with the Council of Europe and do several things to address hate crimes and the experiences of those affected by social aspects of Brexit.
Maria Mesa, facilitator of the EHCRo called for decision-makers in Wales to commit to the recommendations to “make Wales a more equal place both pre and post-Brexit, ensuring that all who live here are treated with dignity and respect.”
To read more about the EHRCo’s paper and to read the paper in full, please visit the WCVA website.