
RCTC Slow on action for residents at Glancynon and Greenfield Terrace Abercynon

Residents of Glancynon Terrace, and Greenfield Terrace Abercynon have been complaining of vehicles mounting the pavement when navigating along this stretch of road, we believe also Abercynon Road there is also a problem with traffic mounting the pavement


Below taken from Abercynon Ward Councillor Report October 2016 Cllr Rhys Lewis M.A

Cllr Alby Davies M.B.E


“We have raised traffic flow problems along Greenfield Terrace and Glancynon Terrace with Council highways officers following recent disruption along the road. Longterm solutions are being sought. We have asked for plans to be brought forward by the end of the financial year (April 2017).”


So what is planed if anything! The deadline is past but local residents take to Twitter to vent their frustrations on the lack of progress. Looking ay the latest report put out by the 2 local councillors there is nothing in it about the above traffic problems that still exist.


Local councillor said recently on Twitter “Plans will put forward to address issues on Glancynon Terrace.”


Residents want action not empty promises  


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