TalkValleys, create change!

Do you live or work in the Valleys or represent or provide services for people who do?

Want to create real change in the Valleys? Come along and make your views known!

1st June 10 – 11am The Conference Centre, Nantgarw

We would like to invite you to join us for a cuppa and to #TalkValleys with the Valleys Taskforce to discuss what are the barriers, issues and opportunities for you, your family and your community in the valleys.

Dr Chris Jones, Chair of Cwm Taff Health Board and a member of the Welsh Government’s Ministerial Valleys Taskforce wants to discuss and listen to what your experiences are and any suggestions of how the taskforce can support you in the future.

This is a fresh approach to developing real change in the valleys so we hope you can attend.

Please book your place, register here.

If you would like to #TalkValleys with the taskforce members then please email Disability Wales:

 [email protected]

If you are unable to make the session then please visit our facebook page to follow and post your views.  You can also e-mail TalkValleys with your comments or participate in the #TalkValleys online survey.

For further information on taskforce membership and priorities visit the Valleys Taskforce web page.



10 – 11am, 01 MehefinY Ganolfan Cynhadledd, Nantgarw


Hoffwn wahodd chi i gael paned a #TrafodyCymoedd gyda Tasglu’r Cymoedd am unrhyw rhwystrau, materion a chyfleoedd ar gyfer chi, eich teulu a’ch cymuned yn y cymoedd.

Mae Dr Chris Jones, Cadeirydd Bwrdd Iechyd Cwm Taf ac yn aelod o Dasglu Gweinidogol y Cymoedd am drafod a gwrando ar eich profiadau chi ac unrhyw awgrymiadau ar sut gallant nhw gefnogi chi yn y dyfodol.

Dull ffres, i weithredu gwir newid yn y cymoedd, felly gobeithio gallwch chi fynychu.

I #TrafodyCymoedd e-bostiwch Anabledd Cymru

Os na allwch chi fynychu’r sesiwn ma cyfle i ddweud eich dweud wrth ddilyn ein tudalen Facebook a gadael sylw, e-bostio TrafodyCymoedd gyda’ch sylwadau neu gymryd rhan yn arolwg #TrafodyCymoedd ar-lein.

Os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth am aelodau a blaenoriaethau’r tasglu, ewch i dudalen wefan Tasglu’r Cymoedd.


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