New Non-Executive Director joins Board of Welsh Ambulance Service
A NEW Non-Executive Director has joined the Board of the Welsh Ambulance Service.
Paul Hollard was appointed by the Minister for Health and Social Care following a rigorous four-month recruitment process, and commenced his role on 1 April 2016.
Like all of the Trust’s Non-Executive Directors, Paul will have Wales-wide corporate governance responsibilities but will have a particular focus on the Cwm Taf Local Health Board area.
He will work closely with the Medical Director to provide support and challenge to the Trust’s ambitious Clinical Modernisation programme, and will also act as the Board’s Champion for Children and Young Persons and Older People.
The Trust is also pleased to report that the Minister has extended the tenure of appointment of two other Board members; Chairman Mick Giannasi and Non-Executive Director James Mycroft.
Mick said: “These appointments – together with some further strengthening of the Executive Director team – provide the Trust with the prospect of stable longer term leadership at Board level as it continues to pursue its ambition to transform the ambulance service into a modern, safe and effective service that the people of Wales can be truly proud of.”
The Trust Board at the Welsh Ambulance Service is comprised of; the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors, the Chief Executive and Executive Directors and Trade Union representatives, all of whom work collectively as the Board.
Non-Executive Directors are appointed by the Health Minister and bring independent judgement and a range of financial, legal, commercial or corporate governance expertise to the Board.
They will work with their Executive Director colleagues to develop strategy, policy and ensure sound governance, and ensure the Trust delivers services and performs effectively at a strategic and operational level.
Paul Hollard
Paul Hollard began his NHS career as a registered nurse before he moved into nurse education and later into general management.
Paul has been involved in health service education and management in Europe and spent time in Lesotho, South Africa, supporting change in their major referral hospital.
His management career has focused on quality, strategic planning and driving service change in the Welsh NHS.
Prior to his retirement, he led the South Wales Programme and established the NHS Wales Health Collaborative.
Of his appointment, Paul said: “I am absolutely delighted to be appointed to the Board of the Welsh Ambulance Service at such an exciting time in its development.
“I look forward to working with the Board and other colleagues in continuing the improvement journey the Trust is making.”
Mick Giannasi added: “Paul brings with him a wealth of experience as a clinician, as a strategic planner and as a former senior executive in the NHS.
“His skills and personal attributes will add significant value to a Non-Executive team which is growing in confidence and stature.”
James Mycroft
James Mycroft enjoyed a 15-year career as an executive at the BT Group, where he worked as Director of Customer Service and Director of Transformation, among other roles.
In 2013 he founded Rapid High Impact, a company providing interim executive management and team development.
In 2015, he joined the Principality Building Society in Cardiff as Operations Director, and also sits on the Board of one of Principality’s subsidiaries, Nemo Personal Finance.
James holds the portfolio for Workforce and Organisational Development and in geographical terms, is aligned to the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board area.
Of his re-appointment, James said: “I’m really pleased that the Minister has extended my term for a further four years.
“The Board has overseen a considerable amount of change during the last two years, not least the construction of a new Executive Team, led by a new Chief Executive.
“We have just submitted our three-year plan, implemented a new clinical model, launched a new set of desired behaviours across the organisation, and have built a strong relationship with our Commissioner.
“It feels to me that the Trust is embarking on a really exciting journey, and that is something I wanted to be part of for the next few years.”
Mick Giannasi added: “Over the last two years, James has made a tremendous contribution to the work of the Board.
“His insight, drawn from his extensive and varied experience in the commercial sector, has been invaluable in encouraging new ways of working and thinking within the Trust.”
Mick Giannasi
Mick Giannasi retired from the police service in April 2011 after a distinguished career spanning 31 years.
During that time, he served in three police forces and ultimately attained the rank of Chief Constable in Gwent.
He was awarded the Queen's Police Medal in the 2011 Birthday Honours for his outstanding contribution to policing.
Following his retirement from the police service, he was appointed by the Welsh Government to act as a Commissioner for the Isle of Anglesey County Council.
He carried out this role until May 2013, when the Government’s intervention in the Council’s affairs was brought to a successful conclusion.
He was appointed Chairman of the Trust in September 2013 on an interim basis and appointed substantively in February 2014 following a competitive recruitment and selection process.
Of his re-appointment, Mick said: “The last two and a half years have been challenging but rewarding as we have worked hard as a Trust to put in place the foundations for an improved ambulance service in Wales.
“I believe that those foundations are now firmly in place and whilst I am under no illusions about the scale of the challenge which remains, I am delighted that the Minister has given me with the opportunity to continue to work with the Chief Executive and her team to bring our ambitious plans to modernise the service to fruition.”