IPCC considers publication of unredacted Orgreave report

The IPCC is currently considering whether an unredacted version of the report into our review of Orgreave matters can now be published. The report published on our website in June 2015 was redacted as a result of legal issues, including some relating to the Hillsborough inquests. An unredacted version of our report was shared with the Coroner to the Hillsborough inquests prior to publication.

The inquests have now concluded and we are now considering whether the legal issues that prompted the report being redacted still remain. One key consideration is that the IPCC and Operation Resolve are conducting criminal investigations into the events at Hillsborough and its aftermath. As a result we must now carefully consider whether we can publish an unredacted version of the report at this stage without compromising the integrity of  the ongoing criminal investigations.


Police force:



– See more at: http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/news/ipcc-considers-publication-unredacted-orgreave-report#sthash.VseT5iER.dpuf

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