
Councils deliver huge reduction in landfill costs

The amount spent on landfill costs in Wales has fallen significantly over the last four years, as local councils continue to lead the way on recycling.

With costs estimated to have reduced by 23%, the total weight of rubbish being sent to landfill has dropped considerably from 641,000 tonnes in 2012/13 to 450,000 tonnes in 2014/15. 

Responding to the latest figures, a Welsh Local Government Association spokesperson said:

“With a number of local councils already recycling over 58% of their household waste, local government in Wales is helping to firmly cement Wales in its role as a world leader for sustainable waste management.

“Work is now ongoing to ensure that all councils in Wales can continue to meet ambitious targets, with the aim of reducing landfill tonnages to no more than 5% of Wales’ total waste by 2024/25.  By this time Wales is aiming to recycle 70% of its waste, with the remaining 30% being treated through new Energy from Waste facilities which offer a far more environmentally friendly means of treating the waste that every household in Wales has a hand in creating.

“Throughout Wales new schemes are also being put in place as our recycling and wider waste management services continue to evolve to meet new Welsh Government targets, and this constant innovation by local councils has seen the recycling rate for Wales rise from just 10% in 2005 to 56% in 2014/15.  This trend will continue to have a marked impact on the amount of waste being sent to landfill in the future.”

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